An ERASMUS+ mobility in Malta. publié le 11/04/2024

LP Thomas Jean Main students's vocational experience in Malta

An ERASMUS + mobility in Malta.

4 students from the second year of vocational baccalaureate « Accompagnement, Soins et Services à la Personne » (« Personal Care and Support Services ») and 5 students from the final year of vocational baccalaureate « Métiers de l’accueil » (« receptionist studies ») completed a four-week work placement in Malta.


The 4 students from « Personal Care and Support Services » did their work placement in different wards at « Saint Vincent de Paul Long Term Care Facility », a huge care center for highly dependent persons with complex needs, hosting 1200 residents.


The 5 students from « receptionist studies » gained experience in various companies : hostels, youth hostels and language schools.


The objectives of this mobility programme were numerous : develop new professional skills and validate the skills from the professional reference framework, develop an appetite for learning modern languages and improve their English, learn to integrate and adapt to new and unusual situations and thus develop autonomy, mobility and personal ambition.

The pupils were accomodated in host families and during their free time they visited the capital, Valetta and Mdina, the former capital of Malta, took a ferry to Gozo Island in the North, or took a trip to Dingly Cliffs or the Blue Grotto - other beauties from the island -.

They were accompanied on their first week by the English teacher and the Director of professional training (DDFPT). Two teachers from professional training went to Malta for 4 days at the end of the placements to do the final assessments.

They have already validated the « Europass Mobility », a European document which records the different activities and skills achieved during their internship. They are now preparing their « mobility test », an optional examination they can sit for the baccalaureate.

After a month full of enriching new experiences, they returned home with their heads full of memories and new possibilities for their future lives.

Cédric Chaigne,
PLP Lettres-Anglais
Lycée Thomas-Jean Main, Niort