Envie de monter un projet Erasmus +? Lisez Erasmus+ tips publié le 24/11/2017  - mis à jour le 20/12/2018

Or how to start a European project at your school

Pages : 12345

Exemple d’un projet Erasmus+ Clé Action 2

Le LP Jean Moulin de Thouars s’est lancé dans un projet Erasmus + cette année. L’une des responsables du projet se propose de lever le voile sur son projet Erasmus + en construction pour partager son expérience.

"Intitulé On The Road, ce projet a pour but de faire prendre conscience aux élèves des enjeux européens en matière d’immigration en particulier et d’ouvrir les esprits sur l’Autre et le monde qui les entoure.
Nous avons décidé de rédiger le formulaire en anglais puisque notre outil de communication est l’anglais et que toutes les réunions de travail et les mobilités se font dans cette langue.
C’est un projet pluridisciplinaire puisqu’il allie le domaine professionnel (usinage et technologie), l’usage du numérique, les matières générales telles que le français, l’histoire-géographie et l’anglais."

Résumé du projet "On The Road".

Theme : Experiencing Europe - moving, working, learning

Title of the project : On the road !

How to welcome immigrants, understand their culture by sharing it with us and help them adapt to our society ? Together with the neighbouring countries, we will face similar issues.

The different schools have noticed that a high percentage of students is reluctant, afraid and has lots of prejudices and stereotypes about "the Other one". This project aims at minimizing that situation by measuring the effects of our activities on the students. Through a survey carried out at the beginning of the project and then at the end, we will be able to see the impact of our exchange.

It will be important to define with the students who a migrant, a refugee or an asylum seeker is. People flee for various reasons.

Through this project, we will try to open and change our students’ minds on the matter.

At the same time, the project will feed the students’ / travellers’ brains with culture and experience.

Through the activities mentioned in the G Part, the project intends to give students the tools for them to keep on learning and discovering new places and cultures when they are grown ups. Then they will have the tools to pass it on to the next generation, to open their mind to the world around them.

By working with new technologies - creating a website along with a QR code, some videos, audio files and the use of digital machines- they will become more familiar with it and will realise that theory leads to practice. Learning English will also make sense and motivate students to make progress, work and feel more confident in speaking another language. Indeed, we will support students with social, economic, and cultural difficulties, improve their motivation, self-confidence.

The exchange of good practices will be reinforced by observing classes in the partner schools. That implies learning, teaching, preparing pedagogical material together and using it in each school. In the end, we will share the results of this training period and evaluate the effects of such an experience.

This project will emphasize on reducing the early leavers at each school and will prepare the students to get access to further or higher education. They will become more adaptable for employers and will be able to fulfill their European citizenship.

One hundred and twenty people will be involved including gender equality. Most of the students are students at vocational schools, except for the Spanish one which is a general high school. In Poland, France, and Norway, 2/3 of these students do not continue further education. This should be a crucial experience for them. The whole project is engraved in the Lifelong Learning Programme defined by the European Commission as a few teachers still struggle to speak English too. And as we know, not all countries are equal in this matter.

Our end product, the metal tree, will represent the synthesis of all the activites carried out for 2 years and will gather the work of an intercultural partnership.

Plannification des réunions transnationales et des mobilités

Répartition déplacements Erasmus+ (PDF de 61.8 ko)

Répartition réunions transnationales et mobilités avec élèves

Planned activities (Word de 171.8 ko)

Planned activities and mobilities with the students

Page Facebook dédiée au projet On The Road


Liens utiles :
Agence Erasmus
School Education Gateway

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